The Doctors will use non-surgical treatment options as often as possible to help you overcome your foot and ankle problems.
Common In-Office Treatments
Cortisone injections contain strong anti-inflammatory medications that help relieve pain and inflammation in joints, tendons and ligaments.
Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) injections are made from your own blood and contain concentrated healing factors that help promote healing of foot/ankle injuries and areas of chronic foot/ankle pain.
Ingrown Toenail Treatment
After gentle local anesthetic injection to the toe, the ingrown portion of the toenail is removed and a chemical applied to help prevent ingrown toenail recurrence.
After gentle trimming of thickened skin, a chemical is applied to help resolve the wart. Additional topical medication is used at home to continue the healing process.
Bracing & Orthotics
In office application of Orthopedic boots and braces provide support for many injuries like Foot and Ankle sprains. Orthotics provide support and pain relief for many foot and ankle problems.
In office cast application protects and supports injuries that require more stability, like Foot and Ankle fractures.